Products Liability is the area of the law involving injuries and death caused by dangerously defective products. From exploding gas tanks on Ford Pinto vehicles to breast implant and tobacco litigation, our health and lives are affected by the products we make, use, and consume. The law places the burden to pay damages caused by defective products on the company that made it dangerous. Robert Neuberger represents victims of dangerous products against negligent manufacturers, sellers, or others who place those products in the public’s hands. The number of defective automobile cases that he handles continues to grow. His experience also includes industrial equipment, consumer products, yard and garden equipment, recreational products, and medical devices. He is proud that as a result of the efforts of many plaintiff’s attorneys like himself, your workplace, home, and car are much safer. Products have been redesigned, and dangerous ones have been taken off the market. The number of accidental deaths and injuries caused by defective products has fallen over the last few decades.
With the help of engineers, safety experts, product designers, investigators, doctors, and other specialists, Robert Neuberger has worked to secure compensation from the makers and sellers of unsafe products, defective equipment, tainted food, and unsafe consumer and household products.
If you or a family member or a friend has been a victim of a dangerous or defective product, please contact Robert Neuberger to discuss your legal rights.